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Travel Conditions - Travel information

(Certain VOLAN companies’ Travelling terms and conditions may be found on their home page as part of Business policy section)

1. The present “Travelling terms and conditions (in the following named as Travelling conditions) of the VOLAN companies” (in the following named VOLAN company) apply to the use of all scheduled national inland, regional, suburban and international bus lines” as well as:

  • scheduled national inland, regional and suburban (as follows point- to point) bus lines travelling between townships and inside townships
  • travelling on scheduled public bus lines both national and international

2. The travelling conditions regarding the local use of inland, regional and suburban bus lines may be found under II-X. XII. and XIV-XVII. points of the travelling conditions.

3. In case of special routes, bus lines ran different to the usual terms or using traffic other than the everyday practice the VOLAN company may specify the unstated terms of travel through extra additions to the travelling conditions or may state the differing information through website or notify locally.

4. The present travelling conditions also apply to using the bus service advertised by the VOLAN company but ran by a subcontractor found in point (IV./7.) as well as travels depicted in point 1.

The conditions of Travel and legal legislations are applied together.

1. Personal transportation is executed through the use of the personal transport contract.

2. The contract between the passenger and the VOLAN company is validated by

  1. paying the transportation fee, buying a ticket, a pass or having other documentation granting us the right to use its service. Electronic devices granting us the use of transport are also accepted (in the following named travel identity),
  2. if the law or the VOLAN company’s business terms allow the traveler to travel without any travel identification on a certain line,
  3. in all other cases of boarding the bus with the purpose of travelling.

With the act of accepting this contract (buying a ticket prior to boarding, booking a seat or boarding the vehicle) you are accepting the terms of travelling. With the validation of the VOLAN company’s contract the traveler accepts the travelling regulations and follows them.

3. The personal transport contract is valid from the point of the passenger boarding the bus with the intention of travelling or in the case of a pass for a certain time or a specific line the scheduled departing of the vehicle from the place of boarding.

4. The personal transport contract is valid till the end of the trip. The trip ends when

  1. the passenger fully exits the bus at the chosen bus station or bus stop
  2. before reaching the original destination the passenger decides to stop the trip and gets off the bus
  3. the VOLAN company excludes the passenger from the use of the service

5. In the case of the scheduled bus lines and personal transport the VOLAN company is bound by the points of the contract, however there are specified exceptions. The proprietor is bound by contract when

  1. the traveler accepts the travelling conditions of the personal travelling contract and acts regarding the terms found in point 2.
  2. when using a scheduled bus line

6. When validating the personal transport contract by purchasing a full price ticket the VOLAN company may alter the contract when asked by the passenger if the ticket has not been used yet. Prior to the departure and before the termination of the ticket’s validity date; tickets purchased for a certain date or line may be changed regarding the destination or the direction of travel. With a reduced fare or different type pass the personal transport contract is only alterable if the travel discount or pass is not bound by any limits of use as travel time, travel type or the number of travels. The terms and mode of changing may be found under the VOLAN companies’ Business conditions and Pricing sections.

7. When purchasing a reserved ticket the traveler may withdraw from the personal transport contract if the ticket has not been used yet. The ticket must be still valid. In the case of a ticket purchased for a set date and a reserved seat it must be returned before the date. When purchasing passes and other types of travel identification, the traveler may withdraw from the contract if these passes are returned before their validation date. A detailed set of rules may be found about the returning of tickets in the chapter XVI. and also in the VOLAN companies’ Business conditions.

8. The expulsion of the passenger from the use of transportation automatically and immediately terminates the contract between the proprietor and the traveler.

9. The claims deriving from the personal transportation contract expire after a year.

1. The scheduled bus lines provided by the VOLAN company may be used by anyone who agrees to the terms of the public transport contract.

2. The service provided by the VOLAN company is in accordance with the personal transport regulations and match all the terms of necessary licenses and regulations. The buses are in accordance with all the transport safety regulations and they are operated by trained bus drivers.

3. On the scheduled bus line the passengers are entitled to commute and use all the facilities serving their comfort and safety as well as services offered during the trip. Equipments may only be operated by the bus driver or other personnel. The use of some equipment is allowed to the passengers; they are informed about these terms of use by the personnel.

4. The passenger acting in accordance to the rules of travel is entitled to use all services which are stated in the terms of travel by the proprietor; on the bus timetables, tickets purchased and in the business policy.

5. The proprietor allows the continuation of the trip for people needing medical help despite the events taking place which are described in chapter V. point 8. The passenger is taken to the nearest bus stop where medical help is available.

6. The VOLAN company may assign certain commitments to other proprietors or people to carry out.

7. Part of the scheduled bus lines run by the VOLAN company may be run by another VOLAN company when acting according to the regulations and means of the public service contract.

8. If you wish to file a report due to being dissatisfied with the level of service, the attitude of the VOLAN company or another VOLAN company you must do so within three month of having used; or not having been able to use the scheduled bus line. Reports must be sent to the proprietor.

The rules and procedures of filing complaints may be found in the Business policies of the VOLAN companies’.

1. Differing from the exceptions stated in the following points from 2- 11. everybody is entitled to travel on the bus.

2. The following people are forbidden to travel unaccompanied

  1. people who are inert or unable to travel alone
  2. children under six years

When transporting a group of children less than six years old there must be at least one attendant to every ten children. It is the attendant’s duty to seat the people attended and to look after them.

3. The transportation of handicapped and impaired may only be denied if

  1. it is assigned by the authority due to health or safety reasons or
  2. if the bus or the bus stops are designed in a way which makes the travelling, boarding or exiting unsafe or physically impossible

4. People with diseases which are contagious and spread through air, touching or being in the same closed space; are forbidden to use the scheduled bus lines.

5. The factors of discarding from travel and the necessity of accompaniment found in point 2. and 4. are not inspected or checked by the personnel on the bus.

6. Those passengers who are carrying baby carriages are responsible for seating and looking after the child. The passenger may decide whether they wish to leave the child in the carriage or put them on their lap. The child may only stay in the carriage if it is fixed to the floor and the child is also secured by a seatbelt. The carriage must be securely fixed even when the child is not sitting inside it.

7. Physically disabled people are only allowed to travel in their wheelchair on busses which have the marked facilities where their wheelchairs may be fixed and secured.

8. The VOLAN company may prohibit or ban passengers from using the transport service when

  1. the passenger is drunk or in an altered state,
  2. behaves outrageously or disturbs the rest of other passengers,
  3. with his behavior or state places the safety of the commuting, the well being and health of other passengers’, the cleanliness of the bus or the wholeness of the bus equipment in danger,
  4. if the passenger can contaminate other passengers’ clothes or luggage with his own,
  5. in the case of boarding or trying to board the bus with luggage unsuitable of being a hand luggage, with animals or with unsuitable objects,
  6. when using the transportation device unauthorized or even after notice not showing travel pass or not purchasing ticket,
  7. despite all notice not presenting the document proving the valid personal transport contract or an allowance or pass (Chapter VI. point 1.) allowing the use of the service,
  8. unwilling to pay the fare, the difference in the fare or the excess charge,
  9. not complying with the travelling regulations.

9. Exclusion from travel - different from the forbiddance of travel – is only possible in populated or other residential areas and is in accordance to the regulations in Chapter IV. point 5. The exclusion from travel of minors aged 14 and under, without an attendant is possible. However it may only be done before the bus leaves the bus stop.

The exclusion or forbiddance of attendants of children under the age of 6 is only possible by the exclusion of the child as well if there is no other attendant with the infant.

10. On certain bus lines you are only entitled to travel by pre-booking seats, securing them through other means or paying excess fares. The VOLAN company only allows travel with set seat tickets or with documents proving the purchase of the appropriate tickets, passes and the payment of excess fees as well.

1. Validation of the personal transport contract and access to travel is materialized by the travel pass. With the exception of government regulation regarding travel discount, travelling is only possible by the use of a valid travel pass. The registered pass or other travel discount is only utilizable by the owner. Travel passes with no name registration or yet unregistered reduced fare passes may be transferred to other people who meet the specifications. This action may only take place before starting the trip or checking in the luggage. The rules and regulations on the use of passes may be found in the Pricing section.

2. The use of certain travel passes are specified by legislation or pricing policy. Passes which need the proof of entitlement must be shown with documentation stated in the law or fare regulation and are only valid together.

3. The Pricing of VOLAN companies’ is found in the section of Business policy.

4. The VOLAN company may exclude the use of certain passes on designated lines. The terms of exclusion are shown in the bus schedule.

5. The travel fare must be paid before the trip or at the latest when boarding the vehicle with the aim of travelling. Passes must be shown to the employee of the VOLAN company delegated for checking the passes (now on named as ticket inspector). Travel documentations allowing single, multiple or free uses of the services are the proof of the validation of the personal transport contracts. The detailed rules and regulations of pass purchasing may be found in the VOLAN companies’ Business policy section.

6. The VOLAN company may specify the prior purchase of passes and reservation of seats on certain lines. It may be made mandatory at certain bus stations, bus stop or during certain periods of time. The validity of these may be limited by the VOLAN company. The deadline for pass purchase or seat booking is stated in advance.

The VOLAN company may specify the coin and note types used at the ticket vending machines.

Traveling passes for only one line are only valid on a certain date or a specified line.

7. The passenger, who owns a pass, must follow the regulations of the VOLAN company when getting on the vehicle and must present the pass by showing it; or must validate it. Passes with extra entitlements must be presented with identification to prove the legitimacy of these. In certain cases personal identity card is needed which must be shown to the person checking the tickets. The person working on the line has the same rights as ticket inspector performing duties on the line. (Chapter IX point 3- 5.)

8. Heavily damaged, fake, unrecognizable, uncheckable passes may not be used. Passes on which the information has been altered in an unauthorized manner are just as well unaccepted. The VOLAN company withdraws these and the owner must buy a new appropriate one.

If the pass is damaged, made unrecognizable or accidently withdrawn by the employee, it must be written on the travelling document. The mistake will be corrected if possible, if not the document will be changed without any extra expenses. In case of any provable harm caused to the passenger the VOLAN company will recompensate.

9. The validity of the pass for (area, bus line, period of time, amount of travels taken) is limited to the specifications of what it was validated for. Passes un-validated are not applicable for the trip. The validity of travel documentation is stated in the Pricing section.

10. Not being able to prove the justified use of the travel documentation is just as invalid as using it unjustified.

11. Lost passes, tickets or travel documentation are not replaced by the VOLAN company.

1. The passenger may only get on or get off the scheduled bus line at the designated bus stops. An exception from this is when the bus may not deliver the passengers to the designated stop due to exterior reason as an extreme traffic situation. In this case it is allowed to board or exit the bus in unmarked areas.

2. If the scheduled bus is not large enough to transfer all the people willing to board, the contract only binds the bus company to the extent of the capacity of the vehicle. In this case, the people not being able to board the bus are informed about other means of travel. On busses only transporting people set on the seats, it is the number of the seats that show the capacity of the vehicle.

3. In the national personal transport service the order of passenger delivery is the following:

Passengers with pre-purchased validated ticket and passengers with reserved seats.

Long distance passengers,

  1. the specified people in point a) are disabled people who do not own any travelling document and people travelling with little children,
  2. passengers who have a pass or other travel document,
  3. the people not mentioned in points a) – d).

In the case of passengers of same status the system of grouping will be the priority of arrival.

4. In regional and suburban personal transport service the order of boarding is the following:

  1. passengers with pre-purchased tickets,
  2. passengers who have passes or other travel documentation,
  3. passengers who do not have the travel documentation specified in points a) and b) and are mentally or physically disabled or people travelling with small children.
  4. the passengers mentioned in points a) – c).

In the case of passengers in same status the order of arrival is the method of grouping.

In the case of local personal transport the boarding is through the order of arrival.

5. Differing from the rules in point 3–4. people in wheelchair, the physically or mentally disabled or people travelling with baby carriage have the priority when boarding on busses which have the facility to support them.

6. Busses which only transport seated passengers may only be used with pre-purchased tickets and reserved seats accessible till a marked deadline. Passengers who do not have reserved seats may only board the bus after all the passengers and the previously specified (disabled people, people in wheelchair, people travelling with baby carriages) have taken their place.

7. Passengers must follow the set rules of boarding or exiting the vehicle (use of doors). Boarding usually happens at the front door. In cases when boarding differs (people in wheelchair, people with baby carriage) the VOLAN company informs the passengers with pictograms and signs.

When boarding or exiting the vehicle the passengers must use the hand-holds to avoid slipping or other accidents. Board or exit with great caution especially during wet weather conditions or at bus stops with no pavement.

Boarding or exiting the vehicle must stop when noticing the closing signal (sound and light) of the remote controlled door. During the signal it is forbidden to get on or off the bus. The vehicle can not leave with open doors.

8. One passenger may only use one seat (previous reservation or if there are seats left).The safety of children under the age of three must be secured. They may travel in the baby carriage if it has been fixed or may be placed on the attendants lap. The use of a separate seat is also possible if the infant is in a baby seat or other baby transportation device. Places reserved for pregnant women, people travelling with infants, blind and disabled must primarily be used by these passengers.

9. When a person in a wheelchair boards the bus the other passengers must leave the place reserved for the disabled empty. The person travelling in a wheelchair must be fixed with a seatbelt. This is carried out by the bus driver.

10. If a passenger takes up more places than entitled to, their hand luggage must be removed from the seat taken up by it and the place must be offered to a passenger standing.

11. On the certain bus lines where all passengers must be seated while travelling, passengers may only sit on the seats.

12. The VOLAN company may make it possible to pre-reserve seats or pre purchase-tickets with reserved seats on some bus lines where this isn’t necessary.

13. In the case of pre purchased tickets with seat reservations the VOLAN company is only possible to reserve the place from the station or the boarding place stated on the ticket and from the place of validation.

14. Where it is possible, at least ten minutes before the departure, the passenger must take the pre-reserved seat on the bus or present the ticket with the seat reservation to the personnel. In case of not doing so the VOLAN company will not be able to hold your reserved seat.

15. Passengers must indicate the intention of getting off the vehicle when getting close to the stop. If the indicator is not working, they must tell the driver to stop at the next station. At the end station all passengers must exit the bus.

16. In the unusual case of the having to stop at an area not created for boarding or exiting, the passengers may only leave the bus with the allowance of the personnel.

Extra information about seat booking and reservation may be found in the VOLAN companies’ Business regulation section.

1. While travelling which also involves boarding, exiting and waiting the passenger must behave in a way that helps fellow passengers and other participating commuters to avoid accidents and maintain their wellbeing and health. Passengers must act in a manner to avoid the damage of luggage and refrain from disturbing other people and harming the equipment on the bus.

2. It is forbidden to travel on the bus with clothes or hand luggage which may contaminate or damage other passengers’ clothes, luggage or the equipment of the bus.

3. All vending and service providing activity on the bus need the approval of the VOLAN company it is forbidden to litter, shout, sing, make music, and create noise with any other objects on the vehicle.

4. The driver abides the will of the majority in the cases of opening windows, air vents, lighting, heating. In order to make visibility better the driver may turn off the central lighting when travelling in unpopulated areas.

5. The use of radio, tape players or any other music device is only allowed with earphones.

6. It is forbidden to smoke on all official scheduled bus lines. It is also forbidden to smoke in bus stops, stations (both open and closed spaces). Passengers are only allowed to smoke in the areas assigned to smoking and within five meters from the stations borderlines.

7. On bus lines where travelling is only allowed when seated; for children over the age of three safety belts must be used during the whole journey. An exception from this is when the bus is in a resting area or at a station. For your personal safety it is advised to use the seat belt.

8. During the journey, all the passengers at the standing area, the ones moving and those who are taking their place must all constantly use the fixed hand-holds.

9. Under no circumstances should the passenger lean on the door, stand in the area where the door opens or block the door in any way from opening.

10. It is forbidden to lean out of the bus, put your hand out through the window or throw objects out of the window or door.

11. Passengers must abide the rules and the procedures of travelling this way they must take care of their luggage themselves. Not doing so may delay the schedule of the bus.

12. For the sake of the safety of the bus equipment and the passengers the VOLAN company may use image and sound recording safety devices. The rules about the use, archiving or extermination of sound or image as well as sound and image recordings may be found in the VOLAN companies’ Business policy section.

1. Travel identity card purchased, validated and presented for checking; according to the requirements presented in Chapter VI. point 7. must be kept throughout the whole journey. When exiting the vehicle and if asked the travel documentation must be shown or given to the personnel in charge of checking the tickets (ticket inspector) as well as all documentation proving the justified use of passes providing reduced fare travelling. If it is needed personal identity cards must be presented.

2. The ticket inspector has the right to check the validity of passes and justified use of reduced fare travelling. The documentation may be checked throughout the whole journey on the scheduled bus line. This involves the exiting as well as boarding of the bus. The ticket inspector wears a distinguishable symbol. The inspector is not obliged to identify himself but when asked by the passenger must provide information through which he may be identified later and must show appropriate accreditation.

3. The law allows the VOLAN company or the deputy to take down the personal information of the passenger who has not paid the travel fee and also enables him to check the justified use of passes and the utilization of reduced fare travel tickets.

4. The VOLAN company has all the rights to process the information (stated in point 5.) from technological devices which justify passengers to use reduced price travelling. This is stated in the personal transportation contract.

5. The VOLAN company’s or the deputy’s right to receive and process information as part of the deliverance in the previously mentioned contract ranges in the following spectrum:

  1. the family name, christian name, place and date of birth, mother’s maiden and family name as well as the address of the natural person
  2. in the case of reduced fare travelling supported by the law, the justification of the use of such, documents of proof, the registration, type, validity and the issuer
  3. if the reduced fare travelling is limited to a certain set of circumstances as time or a period of time the validity of these

6. In order to conduct the ticket inspection effectively the inspector is entitled to instruct the bus driver to keep the doors closed or stop the bus for a short period of time.

7. The passenger who

  1. does not have travel documents or these documents are invalid,
  2. has missed the purchase of a ticket,
  3. can not provide valid travel identity cared when checked,
  4. use a travel identity card unjustified,
  5. use reduced price travel unjustified

must pay the fare for the full extent of the route and the excess fee as well.

If the passenger’s place of boarding or destination is not identifiable the travel fee and the excess fee must be paid from the place of departure to the place of destination or from the place of boarding to the end of the line.

8. If the passenger while travelling on the bus breaks the rules and regulations of travel the person is forced to pay an extra excess travel fare on top of the excess fee.

9. The passenger who is not willing to pay the excess fee on the bus must identify himself to the person performing the inspection (personal identity and address). The personnel performing the ticket investigation may exclude the passenger from the journey, or may ask for the help of police if the passenger is unwilling to show documents containing its personal identity.

10. The amount of the excess fees and the list of situations involving these may be found in the Pricing section.

1. Passenger’s hand luggage must be an easily portable object weighing no more than ten kilos and with the volume and size which is easily packable matching the regulations in point 3. The exceptions from these are objects which may not be transported in the lap of the passenger and may disturb or cause discomfort to both sitting and standing passengers or may damage their luggage or health. Objects may not be taken on the bus which may damage or contaminate the equipment of the vehicle.

2. The value of the hand luggage may not exceed the amount of 100.000 HUF.

3. Passengers must keep the hand luggage in their hands or on their laps. In cases when this is not possible they must place luggage in a way that does not endanger the physical health or disturb the comfort of the fellow passengers. Attention must be paid to placing the luggage in a way that does not damage the equipment of the bus. Hand luggage my not take up the sitting place of another passenger.

4. It is forbidden to take objects as hand luggage on board that are:

  1. Objects banned by law from transportation.
  2. Objects which due to their size or weight are impossible to be stored on board without endangering the health, luggage or clothing of the fellow passengers.
  3. Objects prohibited by the government regulation regarding the highly dangerous objects which are forbidden to carry on public transportation devices. The exception from under this rule is if the object is appropriately packed, placed and matches all regulations.
  4. Loaded firearm.

5. The VOLAN company may deny the admittance of hand luggage which:

  1. May cause discomfort to other passengers.
  2. May damage or contaminate the bus.

6. Special terms regarding certain hand luggage types:

  1. Carrying baskets, baby carriages, baby seats, baby security seats etc. may only be brought on the bus as hand luggage if it does not restrict the movement of other passengers on the vehicle and may be fixed and does not endanger the fellow travelers’’ luggage and health. It may not cause harm to the bus or to the equipment on it.
  2. One passenger may only carry one closed propane butane gas bottle with the maximum of 5 kg. load. The bottle must be transported standing up, secured from moving and with a security cap on it.
  3. One passenger may only carry one ski set onto the bus as hand luggage. It must be kept standing up and held in the hand if there is no set place for the ski equipment on the bus.
  4. It is forbidden to place bucket or luggage filled with liquid or objects which may move or overstrain the overhead luggage compartment.
  5. Wheelchair or any other device helping people in moving (wheelchair in the following) may only be brought on the bus (regardless to weight of size) if it may be stored in a way that does not restrict the movement of fellow passengers, it can be secured from moving, and does not mean any danger to the luggage or health of the others. It must not cause any harm to the bus or the equipment on it. It should not harm the cleanliness of the vehicle.
  6. Bicycles may only be transported on busses with special facilities for it. This service is revealed on the busses offered by the VOLAN company.

7. Looking after the hand luggage is the passengers’ own duty.

8. The personnel of the bus may check the luggage if they have a suspicion that the package contains objects not suitable to be in a hand luggage.

9. In the case of a passengers carrying objects onto the bus which are inappropriate to be a hand luggage and the personnel find out about it; the luggage will be excluded from transport. If the owners are unwilling to leave the object behind they will be excluded as well from the continuation of the trip.

10. If hand luggage due to its size or weight is not transportable on board; it must be placed with the travelling luggage if the bus has the appropriate facility and the specifications meet all regulations.

1. Any luggage bigger or heavier than a hand luggage (10 kg) or too big to be transported on one’s lap in regard with the specification is Chapter 10. point 7. is a travel luggage.

2. The VOLAN company only offers luggage transfer of bus lines which do not offer separate services for travel packs.

3. One passenger may only take two luggages with himself (within the dimensions of 100x50x50 and the maximum weight of 20 kg per piece); on the bus not offering separate service for travel packs. Regardless to their dimensions as a luggage, a sleigh or a disassembled rubber boat and its parts may also be taken on board by a person. It is also allowed to take a wreath on board if its dimensions do not exceed a 60 cm diameter with the packaging on it.

4. The same rules apply to the luggage transport as to the hand luggage transport. These same specifications must be applied to the objects excluded from transport, packaging, placing, responsibility for luggage and the guarding of these.

1. Live animals may only be transported on the bus if they are kept in an adequate carrying device (pen, crate) from which they may not escape from and if the device does not exceed the parameters of a hand luggage.

2. Differing from the specifications in point 1. dogs may be taken on board if they are on a leash and have muzzles. The owner must have the dog’s certificate of inoculation and must show it to the personnel or the ticket inspector when asked to do so. Dogs do not need a carrying device.

3. Guide dogs, helping dogs and service dogs helping the work of the authorities may be transported on the bus and don’t need to have muzzles on. The work dog’s qualification documents (of exams taken) must be shown by the logo placed on its harness or must be presented on paper.

4. Terms of carrying live animals on board by passengers:

  1. fish in a water sealed tank,
  2. smaller birds such as pigeons or parrots placed in a bird cage,
  3. other types of small animals in a basket, box or other carrying devices,
  4. a gerfalcon with its headgear on.

The VOLAN company may limit the transportation of live animals depending on the traffic situation.

5. Live geese, duck and turkey may not be transported on board.

6. Sick animals may not be taken on the bus.

7. The animal taken on board must be looked after by its owner. If the animal disturbs the other passengers with its behavior, it may be excluded from travelling. Work dogs may only be excluded from travelling when endangering the physical health of the passengers.

If the passenger is not willing to let the animal excluded from travelling go, the VOLAN company will have to exclude the owner as well.

1. National, regional and suburban bus lines equipped with a boot or locker for baggage offer baggage check in. Busses which don’t have boots or lockers also allow the transportation of baggage, this way these busses are not distinguished by the VOLAN company.

The transportation of travel baggage is usually conducted in the boot or in the baggage locker, however due to the type of bus this may differ.

2. The travel baggage may only consist of objects packet in suitcases, handbags, backpacks, baskets and smaller boxes with the overall value less than 100.000 HUF. There may be no jewelry, precious metals, artifact, collections, stamps, cash, credit and debit cards, passes, tickets, fur coats or objects with the original price higher than 50.000 HUF in the baggage.

3. One passenger may only check in two baggage.

4. The dimensions of one baggage may not exceed the 100x50x50 cm size limit and may not weigh more than 20 kg.

5. Objects bound by the law, the ruling of the authority or exceeding the size or weight limits may not be transported by the bus in that designated area.

Baggage which may harm or contaminate the others’ baggage, clothes or packages may be excluded from transport.

6. The VOLAN company may deny the transportation of travel baggage which may damage or contaminate the vehicle.

7. If it fits in the booth or other areas appropriate for carrying travel baggage, in that case these objects may be checked in unpacked regardless to size; unless other restrictions apply:

  1. ski set, sleigh, collapsible rubber or canvas and boat and other equipments of these
  2. wheelchair, foldable deck chair or deck bed
  3. baby carriage,
  4. foldable bicycle,
  5. instruments placed in a box, case or in wrapping,
  6. wreath.

8. In the case of well founded suspicion about the content of the baggage and whether this excludes it from transportation, the employee of the proprietor may check the content of the travel baggage if the owner is present.

9. If a baggage was checked in and it contains objects banned from transportation and this comes to light under the journey; the proprietor may exclude the travel baggage from transport. If the owner is not willing to get rid of the object he will also be excluded from the continuation of the journey.

10. Baggage may only be checked in if the owner is also travelling on the same line and only till the destination stated in the pass

11. Details of travel baggage transportation may be found in the VOLAN company’s business policy. In questions not stated in the previous part as the transport of the travel baggage, the rights and commitments of the passenger and the VOLAN company and the performance of the contract; we must turn to the freight regulations.

1. In the case of the vehicle being held up by certain circumstances which result in delay or the absence of the bus line, the VOLAN company will provide another vehicle helping the travellers to continue their journey. The only case of exception is if the delay is due to an inevitable exterior cause.

2. The VOLAN company informs the passengers in all possible ways, in the case of a scheduled bus line being temporarily out of order or travelling on an alternate route.

3. The minister responsible for transport due to public weal or other forcing operational factors presenting a serious reason may limit or suspend the scheduled bus transportation and the proprietor’s commitment to the contract. In such a situation the VOLAN company informs the public on its webpage.

1. The VOLAN company repeatedly informs the passengers about the destinations, directions, departure, arrival times, stopping times, traffic restrictions, delay and obstacles through the personnel, information devices, notices and booklets.

2. If a scheduled bus line is temporarily not working or travelling on an alternate route, the proprietor informs the passengers locally with attention to the changes in the schedule. If this issue is not temporal the VOLAN company will inform the passengers through its website as well.

3. When using security systems on the vehicle (Chapter VIII. Point 12.) the VOLAN company will notify both the blind and poor sighted passengers in a comprehendible way about the operation of cameras.

1. The price of seat booking is only refundable if the traveller resigns from travelling due to provable traffic difficulty.

2. VOLAN company charges a handling fee. This fee is not charged if the bus is cancelled, the passenger can not board due to overbooking or if the passenger decides to reside from travelling due to provable traffic disruptions.

The cancellation of the bus line, lack of place or traffic disruption must be certified by the personnel of the effected bus line or with the personnel of the bus station. The certification must be written on the back of the unused ticket or on a separate sheet of paper. This is needed for the refund.

3. In the case of suspending and finishing the trip the VOLAN company will not even partially be able to refund the fare and the baggage transportation fee (not even even on bus lines with extra charge over the fare). An exception from these circumstances is if the passenger suspends the trip due to traffic difficulty and this is confirmed by the VOLAN company' s employee.

4. Passengers taken off the bus and excluded from transport may not apply for any kind of refund (fare both discount and full price, seat reservation fee, baggage fee). None of the fares and fees are refundable in the case of baggage, luggage or live animals being excluded from transport (transport fee of baggage, fare, supplementary ticket fee, seat reservation fee). If the owner of the suspended object is not willing to leave the baggage behind; they will also be suspended from travelling.

5. Passes and travel documents previously unmentioned may also be refunded if the pass has not been validated yet and it is returned before the date of validation. In other cases the VOLAN company is not able to refund the claims. There is a service charge deducted in this case. The detailed regulation about the refunding may be found in the VOLAN companies’ business policy.

Further details on refundation by the company selling tickets and passes may be found in the travel policy, business policy and pricing documents of the VOLAN companies’.

1. The VOLAN company is responsible for services carried out by its sub contractors.

2. If the VOLAN company orders another proprietor or person to carry out its services (Chapter VI. point 6.) all actions of the agent carrying out the tasks are seen as the responsibility of the contractor.

1. The VOLAN company is responsible for the loss of life, injury, physical or mental harm (in the following damage) caused to the passenger under the course of travelling. The course of travelling involves being on the bus, boarding and exiting the vehicle. The responsibility is not claimed in the case of damage caused by inevitable conditions which are beyond the VOLAN company’s powers.

2. When boarding the bus and not complying with the regulations in Chapter V. point 2- 7. furthermore misleading the personnel of the bus by concealing information or boarding without an attendant or with an inappropriate attendant. Damages connected to this act caused to the passenger, third party or the VOLAN company will have to be claimed by the lawful guardians of the person.

3. Responsibility is only claimed by the VOLAN company in the personal transfer contracts regarding journeys with transfer if the passenger’s injury at the station or waiting area is caused by the behavior of the VOLAN company. Injuries during the act of boarding or exiting don’t specify in this case.

4. Responsibility is only claimed by the proprietor of the bus station if the injury caused to the passenger at the bus station or waiting area was due to the behavior of the personnel or the proprietor of the establishment. Injuries during the act of boarding or exiting don’t specify in this case.

5. The VOLAN company doesn’t only claim responsibility for injury or death due to an accident while travelling but also claims liability for the partial loss or injury of travel baggage, hand luggage, package as well as animals transported on board.

6. The VOLAN company’s responsibility is proportional to the passenger’s if the event took place due to the act of the traveller.

1. The VOLAN company only claims responsibility for the partial or full loss as well as damage of objects, hand luggage, package, wheelchair and live animals transported on board if it was caused by the actions of the VOLAN company. One must take the statements in point 5/B. into account.

The VOLAN company is only willing to recompensate the damage done to the hand luggage to the full price of the hand luggage and the content of it. If a wheelchair is damaged recompensation may only be received to the extent of fixing the damage or changing the hindered part.

2. Responsibility for damage to hand luggage or live animal is not claimed if the reason is due to events unpreventable by the VOLAN company. The VOLAN company claims no responsibility for hand luggage, package or animals unattended by the passenger.

Passengers carrying luggage onto the bus which are inappropriate of being a hand luggage; will have to face the legal consequences as well as take responsibility for the damage done by it.

1. The VOLAN company is responsible for damage done to the travel baggage as well as wheelchair which was checked in. The claim for the loss or total destruction or damage of the goods is valid from the check in to the retrieval of these.

Exceptions from the responsibility claim are if the damage was done by:

  1. aspects beyond the control of the proprietor,
  2. the inappropriate nature of the baggage content,
  3. or unnoticeable flaws of the baggage.

2. If the damage was done deliberately by the proprietor; it is responsible for all losses.

3. When noticing damage or flaw on the travel baggage at the retrieval; claim must be made immediately towards the VOLAN company. If this isn’t done, the passenger will loose the right of demanding recompensation.

4. In the case of the destruction, total or partial loss of baggage the VOLAN company may not claim the proportional part of the baggage transport fee or the general transport fee and must also recompensate the full value of the lost goods.

5. The VOLAN company may choose to pay the value of baggage deterioration caused by the damage or may recompensate for the amount of money sufficient to fix it. Refunding is in accordance with the conditions presented in Chapter XIII. Point 2. It is offered within set value limit provable with receipt. In the case of damaged wheelchairs the recompensation is limited to the amount sufficient for fixing it. If this is not possible the VOLAN company must recompensate the present value of the device. The passenger must present the baggage coupon in order to be entitled for recompensation.

6. If the passenger deceives the VOLAN company and checks in packages with the content which may be the subject of ban or may have prerequisite conditions for its transportation and these aren’t met. The passenger will be held accountable for all damage and expenses made by the transported good.

More conditions on the transportation of travel baggage may be found in the VOLAN companies’ Terms of travel .

1. The VOLAN company recompensates:

  1. the price of seat reservation if the line is cancelled,
  2. the loss of the passenger owning a travel documentation travelling on the bus which is more than 30 minutes late (except in cases detailed in the government regulation regarding travel discount),except:
  3. the fallout or delay in transportation due to inevitable circumstances beyond the proprietor’s power (weather and traffic situations such as: fog, snow, ice, traffic jam and road closing on the bus route etc.)
  4. if the procedure is primarily aimed at maintaining the safety of people and property; as well as keeping the scheduled bus route.

The scheduled bus line is cancelled if it leaves the station of boarding with a delay exceeding 90 minutes; or the line doesn’t leave. In order to claim recompensation the passenger must have a seat reservation.

It is not considered as delay or cancellation if the VOLAN company substitutes the bus with another vehicle or redirects the passengers to another line. There is no recompensation:

  1. when in the case of cancellation the passenger arrives at its destination within 90 minutes from the original arrival time,
  2. when in the case of delay the passenger arrives at its destination within 30 minutes from the original time of arrival

If the line is cancelled and the passenger arrives at its destination within 90 minutes from the original time of arrival, the journey will be seen as having travelled on the cancelled bus, this way it is not refundable.

2. The basis of refunding is the provable loss.

3. In the case of cancellation recompensation may not exceed the value of fifteen times the original travel fee. In the case of delay the recompensation may not be more than five times the travel fee.

The highest recompensation must be based on the travel fee paid for the whole bus route; regardless of having purchased a ticket with discount.

1. Passengers are responsible for all their acts damaging the travel facility, bus, the inside of the bus as well as their carried objects, packages or live animals damaging the facilities of the vehicle. Passengers are not responsible if they may prove that the harm was done due to the behavior of a third party, the VOLAN company or it was caused by circumstances beyond their power. The passenger will be held accountable for all inconvenience or interference in the flow of traffic caused by their action. Accountability also applies to all loss suffered by the VOLAN company.

2. The VOLAN company is not responsible for the passengers’ loss if missing the bus or not turning up under the boarding period. It is not the proprietor’s responsibility if the passengers miss their connection due to getting off at the wrong stop.

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