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medical travel insurance

#Travel Insurance Medical Conditions

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Compare travel insurance for pre existing medical conditions

If you are one of the many who have a pre-existing medical condition then you will be aware of just how difficult it is to find the right travel insurance policy for you at the cheapest possible price.

Fortunately MoneySupermarket.com has teamed up with the top specialist travel insurance companies to offer you just that. Using our comparison tool you will now be able to compare travel insurance companies that cover medical conditions as part of their policies.

More about travel insurance with medical conditions included

Medical claims and emergencies abroad are one of the biggest costs to insurance companies. This is why some insurers will offer millions of pounds worth of cover to pay for things like hospital treatment, emergency repatriation and travel expenses associated with having to stay abroad longer due to a medical emergency.

This is why people who have a greater risk of claiming are forced to pay more for their insurance premiums. Whether you have experience of a serious condition such as cancer or something quite minor that occurred years ago, then you will need to disclose this to your insurer.

Even those who have been cured from a medical condition may still have to declare this to their insurer. For example, a person who has been completely cured of cancer may still face higher insurance premiums.

Travel insurance for people with existing medical conditions is designed so that if you were to fall ill whilst abroad due to your medical condition, then your health care costs will be covered which can run into the thousands. This will give you the peace of mind to know that everything will be taken care of should the worst happen.

Medical screening and risk factor

When searching for an insurance company that covers pre-existing medical conditions you will be often asked a number of in-depth questions and will be required to submit detailed and sometimes very personal answers. You will be asked about a range of conditions both physical and mental such as depression and anxiety.

Whilst this can be a frustrating process it is necessary so that the insurance company can tailor your policy to your specific needs and determine any risk you may impose.

Failure to declare a medical condition to an insurer could result in any claim being rejected and force you to cover any medical costs yourself. It may be tempting to withhold certain information in order to obtain a cheaper premium, but in the event of a claim the insurance company can access your medical records.

No matter how minor a medical condition may be it is always worth declaring this to the insurer just to be sure that you are fully covered.

Once you have answered all relevant questions there are a number of potential outcomes, these are:

  • Offer a standard travel insurance policy depending on the severity or type of condition
  • Exclude medical cover for certain pre-existing conditions
  • Offer the insurance to you but at a much higher price
  • Refuse to insure you at all
  • Impose certain restrictions, exclusions, special terms or higher excess payments

Depending on where in the world you are travelling could also have a large impact on your policy. For example, the United States, the Caribbean, Canada, Spain and Cyprus have some of the most expensive medical care in the world and this could determine whether you are offered travel insurance or not.

Our comparison tool will take you through a number of pre-determined questions to help you find the cheapest travel insurance quote that includes cover for pre-existing medical conditions.

Read our travel insurance guides

Our guides will explain to you the different types of cover available for you and your belongings, wherever you are in the world.

Travel insurance guide

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