Home » 2016 » September » 18 » Easy Click Travel - Travel Services - Altamonte Springs - Altamonte Springs, FL - Reviews
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Easy Click Travel - Travel Services - Altamonte Springs - Altamonte Springs, FL - Reviews

#easy click travel #

Recommended Reviews

Booked a room on 7/29 and called this morning to confirm with the hotel and it s good to go!  No problems and the hotel even gave me my confirmation number plus a free upgrade to a king size bed!  As good as it gets!

Count yourself lucky if you actually get the hotel/room you booked. They clearly fall in the scam category for me. Booked a hotel in downtown Chicago, confirmed with Easy Click Travel the day before, biked 60 miles there, and found out that I didn t really have a room. The hotel receptionist told me I was the twentieth person from Easy Click Travel they d had to turn away that day.

I should have definitely checked Easy Click Travel s reviews before booking!!

EASY CLICK TRAVEL does indeed have SLIGHTLY better rates than their competitors but is certainly not worth it in the end!

When I booked a trip to Punta Cana, I received an email upon booking, confirming my trip with a note stating that I had until 3 days before my trip to cancel or make any changes to reservation.

I contacted EASY CLICK TRAVEL TEN (10) days before my trip to take one person off of my itinerary - which they did successfully. What they have failed to do is process my REFUND.

I would definitely stay away from this company and certainly do NOT recommend them. They are very professional and courteous when you are booking, but they completely flip the script when they need to issue a refund. I was hung-up on multiple times, kept on hold for over an hour (several times), promised a call-back and notification regarding my refund with no avail.

I have contacted the Better Business Bureau regarding my experience with Easy Click Travel. I would HIGHLY recommend you steer clear of this company, I would have much rather pay an extra couple dollars booking through their competitors rather than go through this unnecessary and tedious process to obtain my deserved refund.


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Views: 523 | Added by: b0ss_putuxyyj56 | Tags: Easy, Click, FL, travel, Springs, services, Altamonte | Rating: 0.0/0
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