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Search current flights (48 hours) Domestic and International Departures & Arrivals

#search for airline tickets #

Flight Search & Information for domestic and international departures and arrivals

International departures

Scheduled Flights

Flights scheduled for the next month.

Formats available

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Melbourne Airport makes no warranty, statement or representation, express or implied, about the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of this flight information. Melbourne Airport denies any legal liability or responsibility for any loss, damage or injury which may result, whether directly or indirectly from the supply or use of this information. Any distribution of this flight information by any person is expressly prohibited unless the prior written approval of Melbourne Airport is obtained.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What if I have a technical problem with flight information?

If you are having specific technical problems with flight information you may contact the flight information System Administrator via the feedback page for assistance.

2. Where does my flight arrive / depart from?

All International flights depart and arrive at the Terminal 2 (T2 - International). Qantas flights depart and arrive from Terminal 1 (T1 - Domestic). Virgin Australia flights depart and arrive from Terminal 3 (T3 - Domestic) and Regional Express (REX) arrives at Terminal 3 (T3 - Domestic). Tigerair and Jetstar flights depart and arrive from Terminal 4 (T4 - Domestic) and Regional Express (REX) departs at Terminal 4 (T4 - Domestic).

3. The flights and last updated times don't seem to change?

You may need to click on your REFRESH button in your browser to get the latest flight information or check your browser cache settings. Sometimes due to a server failure or internet connection failure, updates to the flights on the web may be delayed. The Last Updated time on each page shows when the flights on the website were refreshed.

You may also lodge a fault report to the Flight Information System Administrator via the feedback page .

4. Can I search / sort or filter the information displayed to find what I need?

Yes. You can click on the headings of each column in your search results to sort the information displayed.

5. Where can I find information about a codeshare flight?

Codeshare flight information is not available via the Melbourne Airport website. For information regarding a codeshare flight please contact Reception or visit the feedback page .

Views: 249 | Added by: b0ss_putuxyyj56 | Tags: Search, Domestic, hours), departures, arrivals, (48, current, and, international, Flights | Rating: 0.0/0
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